Guacamole Deviled Eggs

Deviled eggs also known as stuffed eggs, or dressed eggs are hard-boiled eggs that have been shelled, cut in half, and filled with a paste made from the egg yolks mixed with other ingredients such as mayonnaise and mustard. They are generally  finger food served cold as a side dish or an appetizer usually for parties or weekend brunch.Their is no specific  stuffing for the eggs.Am highlighting Guacamole stuffing due to the fact that it’s already been dealt with in my previous post. 


Serves 6. 

6 hard boiled eggs

2 ripe avocados(Ref. to guacamole recipe on my previous post) 

1 Tbsp lime (or lemon) juice

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 Tbsp sour cream (can skip if you need dairy-free) 

1 Tbsp chopped chives or green onion

  • To make hard boil eggs, place eggs in a saucepan and cover with at least one inch (or two) of cold water.Cover the pot and bring them to boil,  let the eggs cook  for 10-12 minutes. Drain and rinse with cold water. 


1. Carefully peel the hard boiled eggs and cut them in half lengthwise. Place them on a serving platter. Scoop out the cooked yolks and set aside. 

2.From the ready made guacamole, crush the egg yolks to the avocado mixture 

3.Scoop a generous spoonful of the avocado mixture into each well of the hard boiled egg whites.

 Top with a small sprig of fresh cilantro or some chopped chives/spring onions  and chillies if you like.



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