Easter Holiday Is here

In our society today, holidays are never complete without food.Easter is at the corner, and the question on the mind to many of us is ,How would I spend my long weekend.

Here are few suggestions you can do over the Easter weekend.

1.Host a party-Its the season to unwind,and what a better way to call your friends and family members at the Confort of your home for a brunch.It shouldn’t be expensive cocktail party.

Put together few finger snacks such as samosas,chicken wings,cheese bread rolls,canapes,fruit kebobs.Get beverages in place i.e smoothies,mocktails,assorted soft drinks, etc.

2.Re-uniting with your family.-Inmost of African culture , getting Family’together during holidays is one sure way of reconnecting with Loved ones.Get yourself a goat and have a barbeque (mbuzi choma),

3.Road trip-This is one sure way of spending your lovely day with family or friends.Pack your Family’ and friends in a car and hit the open Road.Get your lunch box of sandwiches and a cooler bor of water and sodas.Boom!hit the road and make sure you hit many stops along the Road.

4.Getting out in Nature-Most of our country side we have lots of nature trails or even hills to hike.Whether it’s for picnic,long .walk,head to a park near you and take advantage of the current weather.To our sisters and brothers at the coast have got endless options.The beach,The Haller park,the cultural homesb and the nature trail are among the favourites.

5.Vacation-The favourite for many.You can take a much needed vacation, especially if you haven’t taken one for a while.After a long break away,you fell energetic,refreshed and rested.

Have a lovely Easter Holidays.But for me I will be doing what most of you would want me to do during such occasions like this…-Cooking and providing you with yummy meals through the holiday.