
Kaimatis are an indulgent Kenyan Coast speciality whereby, fried gooey dough balls are coated with cinnamon sugar syrup, or coated with chocolate or dusted  with  icing sugar. In addition to tasting heavenly, they are also extremely easy to make.

During the  Holy Month of Ramadhan its a dessert or a delightful snack not to be missed in most households , but however they can also be found on the humid streets of the Kenyan Coast as street food anytime of the year.

The first time i tasted these extremely sugar coated kaimati was in one of the street in Mombasa. The little golden brown dough balls looked extra ordinary harmless, but something in them was telling me. Well I picked one just to try…. what happened next is History!

Why don’t you make some and be the judge! Apart from the plain way of having them,You can  serve them in 3 different ways!!Sugar cinnamon syrup, chocolate sauce or dust with icing sugar. 

Below is the simple and easy recipe..

Ingredients :

1 cup all purpose flour

½ cup natural plain yogurt or fresh milk(optional) 

½ cup water

1 teaspoon instant yeast

4 teaspoon sugar

1 teaspoon gardamon powder

Procedure :

Mixing all the ingredients

In a mixing bowl, add all ingredients and mix very well till the batter becomes sticky

Cover and set aside for 1-2 hours to puff up or till it doubles in size. Punch it down. 

The raised dough ready for frying

-Put oil and heat your frier to medium.(N.B:do not over heat the oil otherwise the Kaimatis will burn. 

-When your oil starts to heat, take a spoonful of the dough and using your index finger push to drop the mixture ball by ball in the oil. 

Dropping the balls in oil

-Fry on  low heat in batches  till golden brown 

Frying the Kaimatis 

-Remove and put on a grease paper to get rid of excess oil. 

-Deep some few balls in a ready made sugar syrup  or chocolate sauce or dust with icing sugar as shown above. 

Ready made Kaimatis