The gate to the ship

The world’s largest floating library MV Logos Hope with different book titles, passengers and crew from across nations moored in Mombasa on August 22 for 45 days, signalling a boon for the tourism and educational activities in the port city of Mombasa. The vessel library am told has over 4000 book tittles of different categories. On board are quite a number of passengers and crew members

To access they charge Ksh 50(appr. 0.5 USD) members of the public are able to access the ship from 1pm to 7pm from Tuesday to Sunday, Monday it’s closed to re-arrange the shelves after a week of public purchase. The public can select and buy books from a wide variety of disciplines including science, cooking, sports, languages, religion among other items like pens ,Mugs with a logos brand.

Upon arrival,The well organized crew usher in visitors and then introduced to the vessel through a short movie and interactive displays. After introduction Visitors are allowed in the library to feel the floating library.

During visiting hours, the vessel’s amphitheatre hosts illuminating talks aimed at enriching maritime careers and other related activities.

The library

People tour and Purchase books inside the MV Logos Hope Ship Library at the Port of Mombasa, Kenya on September 3, 2023.

Talking to some of the crew members they say that .they are really happy to be here in Mombasa Kenya, after Kenya, they will go to South Africa, but they will also visit Tanzania, Madagascar, Mauritius and most parts of East Africa,

Book and excursion lovers from different parts of the country visited the ship with numbers multiplying over the weekends if my observations are anything to go by.

Enough sitting area at the Cafe for your snacks and drinks

The Logos Hope brings affordable literary gems to Kenya. The prices of some of the books are being sold as low as 10 USD,(Appr. Ksh100) making it accessible for all. For most books, the price point will be around USD 50 or more, still a reasonable cost for the wealth of knowledge they offer.Tgey are sold on the Ships points . Each point translates to a certain price amount.

Well stocked library
My favourite area

The price ranges between Ksh 500 – Ksh 1800 for most of professional books which would ordinarily cost Ksh 2000-3000.

Some of the book lovers came as far as Nairobi to come and witness the floating library,

This is a well travelling ship which has visited over 150 ports in different countries according to one staff who I spoke to and who has worked with the ship for over 1year

In 2005 a similar ship docked by the name of MS Doulos docked at the Port City of Mombasa on a similar mission. I was previledged to work on board doing sandwiches and beverages while in Mombasa. Duolos is expected to begin her 2024 expeditions making her first stop-over in Maputo, Mozambique in January, so am informed

The floating book fair was to come to Mombasa in 2015 but the voyage was suspended due to fears of insecurity. MV Logos Hope’s visit to the country was organized in partnership of Kenya Ports Authority, the county government of Mombasa and Kenya Tourism Board. The Likoni chanel Food and fruit vendors says their business have improved substantially during this time of book fair. This type of tourism attracts different people to visit .

If you have not visited please make plans to visit the floating library.